Freedom from downtime and latency with our dedicated bare metal servers.
Handle heavy real-time workloads with unparalleled speed and performance.
Bare metal performance with the flexibility of the cloud.
Effective server-side and tech-agnostic cheat detection.
Scaling game instances with automated global orchestration.
Low-latency game server management for a flawless experience.
Custom tools to detect, intercept, and deflect impending attacks.
Transfer data on a global scale fast, private, and secure.
Reach eyeball networks through meaningful peering relationships.
Go global with our custom and secure privately-owned data center.
Our partners and clients have always seen our software development progress, with new improvements to our game control panel every other month. The biggest improvement is our One Platform with multi-cloud capabilities. We scale out into AWS, GCP, Azure, AliCloud, on top of the bare metal servers worldwide. A really unique add-on is the ability to include your own bare metal infrastructure in our platform, lowering costs, raising utilization of your paid infrastructure.
Every server worldwide, in one dashboard. Your game will scale over many different infrastructure providers.
Another unique feature is our ability to scale out based on performance metrics. This is a great strategy when launching AAA game titles with high-demanding player bases. A real Performance Hosting metric. Another strategy is based on shaping the costs of infrastructure spend. Most game titles hosted in the cloud are extremely expensive with high operating expenses. Our software makes smart decisions to bring down total spend while raising quality, capacity, and resilience.
We also share and build middle-ware through our newly acquired partner GameBlocks. The leading anti-cheat in the competitive gaming market has been FairFight anti-cheat software. A great piece of software used by many AAA titles. Very successful, doing a really good job in cleaning out the cheaters.
We are experts in performance hosting. is a managed hosting provider founded in 2002 and now operates 8.500 servers in 25 ISO27001 certified data centers worldwide. We provide global hosting solutions with a performance guarantee and 24/7 support. Services include multi-cloud capacity, bare metal servers, managed game servers, colocation, and specialty network solutions as anti-DDoS, MPLS connectivity, and IP transit. excels in the gaming niche market hosting tens of millions of players for game publishers on the Microsoft Xbox Network, Sony PlayStation network, and Nintendo Switch network.
The One Platform provides one global scalable platform, with one global support team, one global network, identical hardware, one global data center standard and audits, one software platform to support services worldwide, to support customers in a flexible roll-out of our services, allowing our customers to rapidly increase capacity for multi-cloud, bare metal servers, managed game services, and network services. The One Platform is available on six continents and 40+ PoP locations around the world: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Frankfurt, London, Warsaw, New York, Washington DC, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles, São Paulo, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong, Sydney, Dubai, and Johannesburg among others. offers SLAs on uptime, capacity, and resource performance. All services are yearly audited and certified by the CDSA on Content Protection & Security.
The Game Hosting Platform allows you to burst into a variety of hyperscalers such as AWS, GCP, Azure, and more. Thus, allowing you to always have capacity online should your player base grow exponentially without having to have reserved capacity at hand.
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