Freedom from downtime and latency with our dedicated bare metal servers.
Handle heavy real-time workloads with unparalleled speed and performance.
Bare metal performance with the flexibility of the cloud.
Effective server-side and tech-agnostic cheat detection.
Scaling game instances with automated global orchestration.
Low-latency game server management for a flawless experience.
Custom tools to detect, intercept, and deflect impending attacks.
Transfer data on a global scale fast, private, and secure.
Reach eyeball networks through meaningful peering relationships.
Go global with our custom and secure privately-owned data center. has been hosting video games for more than 20 years. With our own’s infrastructure and experience with multiple AAA titles, we have learned the best, most efficient, and scalable ways to host games.
We introduced the Game Hosting platform, and we offer valuable attributes that every multiplayer game needs, such as anti-DDoS, anti-cheat, and valuable insights and reports.
Now you can also leave your game hosting infrastructure to our experts. They are trained to closely analyze your game and surpass complex game server infrastructure management.
Do you need any help with’s products? Our Customer Support Team is happy to assist. © - A Ubisoft company | All rights reserved.