Freedom from downtime and latency with our dedicated bare metal servers.
Handle heavy real-time workloads with unparalleled speed and performance.
Bare metal performance with the flexibility of the cloud.
Effective server-side and tech-agnostic cheat detection.
Scaling game instances with automated global orchestration.
Low-latency game server management for a flawless experience.
Custom tools to detect, intercept, and deflect impending attacks.
Transfer data on a global scale fast, private, and secure.
Reach eyeball networks through meaningful peering relationships.
Go global with our custom and secure privately-owned data center.
Keep your hosting consistent with a scalable solution between Hybrid and bare metal servers. is a veteran in the game hosting industry, as we have been hosting AAA titles for over 20 years now. Utilize our experience and our in-house built tools for an immense end-user satisfaction.
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