The ApplicationInstanceProperty is an element that adds meaning to the ApplicationInstance element. These properties are inherited from the ApplicationBuild element and their values will be populated according to the actual settings of the ApplicationInstance. One cannot add or edit ApplicationInstanceProperties manually.
Inheritance example
Given that you have the following ApplicationProperty elements with default values for your Application:
Property type (id) | Property name | Property default value |
public network port (1) | gamePort | 11000 |
private network port (6) | adminPort | 31000 |
password16 (3) | adminPass | <empty> |
For an ApplicationInstance these values would be substituted with the actual values used for the instance. These are just an illustration of possible values.
Property type (id) | Property name | Property actual value |
public network port (1) | gamePort | 11005 |
private network port (6) | adminPort | 30530 |
password16 (3) | adminPass | d092FuOIAdFGv329 |
Element structure
Property | Value type | Required | Read-only | Description |
propertyId | string | N/A | Yes | Unique identifier of the element |
propertyType | int | Yes | No | Type ID of the property |
propertyKey | string | Yes | No | The name of the property |
propertyValue | mixed | Only for network port | No | The value of the property |
propertyKey constraints
The characters allowed for a propertyKey are : a-z, 0-9, -, _
A property key must start with a lowercase character.
The maximum length of a propertyKey is 50 characters.
propertyValue constraints
Any UTF-8 character is allowed in a propertyValue.
The maximum length of a propertyValue is 150 characters.
ApplicationInstanceProperty elements consist of a propertyType
, a propertyKey
and a propertyValue
. The propertyType
indicates the functionality of the property. The propertyKey
gives the property a name and the value
a value. Not all property types require a value. E.g. if you have a property of propertyType
, you can leave propertyValue
empty. This means we will generate a password, in this case with a length of 16 characters. If however you do enter a propertyValue
, then we take that as the password and the system will not generate a new random password. You can find all available property types and usages in the next chapter.
Available property types
A propertyType is indicated by a numerical ID. The following types are available:
ID | Type | Value type | Value required? | Description |
0 | raw value | mixed | no | A custom raw value. This property's key and value will be passed to ApplicationBuilds, ApplicationInstances and labels as-is. |
1 | public network port | A number between: 10240 - 29999 | yes | Indicates a default public network port for your application. When the system deploys a new ApplicationInstance, it will find a unique network port to use, per host. The default value is taken as the initial value and will be incremented by 50 until a free port is found. |
2 | password8 | string | no | An 8 character password. If no value provided, we generate a unique password for every ApplicationInstance. |
3 | password16 | string | no | A 16 character password. If no value provided, we generate a unique password for every ApplicationInstance. |
4 | password24 | string | no | A 24 character password. If no value provided, we generate a unique password for every ApplicationInstance. |
5 | public network port range | A number between 2 and 200 | yes | A number indicating the size of the desired port range. |
6 | private network port | A number between: 30000 - 49151 | yes | Indicates a default private network port for your application. When the system deploys a new ApplicationInstance, it will find a unique network port to use, per host. The default value is taken as the initial value and will be incremented by 50 until a free port is found. |
7 | private network port range | A number between 2 and 200 | yes | A number indicating the size of the desired port range. |
Property inheritance
An ApplicationInstance's properties are inherited from the ApplicationBuild element it was deployed for.
ApplicationInstanceProperty elements cannot be added / edited manually. They are always inherited from the ApplicationBuild element it was deployed for.