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Troubleshooting tips

Installing FlexMetal servers can be a straightforward process. This document seeks to provide valuable troubleshooting tips related to service setup, resource limitations, and resource availability, thereby enhancing your understanding and efficiency in managing these servers.

Error handling

Here are some common error messages you might encounter, along with guidance on how to resolve them.

  • Errors in form: When submitting a request via the API or Terraform, one or more values were incorrect. The error message will indicate the values that are incorrect so you can adjust them.
  • Requested instance type is not available in the selected location: When you receive this message, select a different location or instance type.
  • Quota exceeded for selected location and instance type: This means that you have reached the limit of the amount of servers based on your contract. You can try to select a different location, or contact our support team to discuss about adjusting your quota.
  • Failed to provision server: The installation of the Operating System encountered an issue, resulting in the cancellation of the server delivery. You can try to reorder the server. Should the problem continue, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

Server Request Error message examples

Here are some examples of potential errors you might encounter while submitting server requests using the API or working with Terraform are outlined below.


    "errorCode": 11001,
    "errorMessage": "Errors in form",
    "errors": [
            "property": "location",
            "message": "invalid location"
            "property": "instanceType",
            "message": "invalid instanceType"


│ Error: Error creating server
│   with,
│   on line 15, in resource "i3dnet_flexmetal_server" "my-talos":
│   15: resource "i3dnet_flexmetal_server" "my-talos" {
│ Message: Invalid location
│ Message: Invalid instanceType

Server Delivery Error message examples

When a server delivery is pending but a failure is encountered, you can can identify this via the status and statusMessage fields in the server object.

When the status field displays failed, a more precise reason for failure is provided in the statusMessage field.


    "uuid": "f7b1b1b1-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b1b1b1b1b",
    "name": "my-talos",
    "status": "failed",
    "statusMessage": "Failed to provision server",


│ Error: Server creation failed
│   with,
│   on line 15, in resource "i3dnet_flexmetal_server" "my-talos":
│   15: resource "i3dnet_flexmetal_server" "my-talos" {
│ Status message: Failed to provision server