The REST api allows you to programmatically request information about your services.
This is done through HTTPS requests towards the website.
The base URL for your requests is :
:CATEGORY: can be one of the following strings :
Every request must be accompanied by a few variables that describe authentication and the information you want to retrieve.
A note about versioning. We are currently at version 2 of our API. This documentation describes that version.
userId - your user ID without the 'K'. You can find it on the
control panel pages and on the API setup
page on the website.
apiKey - a 20 character key, generated for your account (see Authentication below).
action - describes the information you want to retrieve for the selected category.
Some requests require an additional variable to be supplied. This is indicated in the category documentation below.
Request variables that you send to the server must be JSON encoded. The JSON encoded result must be sent to the
server in the body of the request and must be accompanied by a "Content-Type: application/json" header.
The response from the server will also be JSON encoded. Examples of the output values are given with each command
listed in this documentation.
First you must create one or more API keys for your account. You can
do that on: /controlpanel/administration/profile/#profileApiKeys
Each API key's use can be limited to an IP address range.
You can also specify to which category a key has access. This way you can give a key to someone else, e.g. a
programmer for your website, and allow only the information he or she requires.